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English translation for "earth flow"


Related Translations:
earths:  土族元素
earthed:  adj.接地的,通地的。
earthing:  n.【电学】接地。
earth:  n.1.〔常E-〕 地球。2.大地,陆地,地面,地上。3.土壤,土。4.【化学】土类;泥。5.世界人类;人的躯体。6.尘世,人间,世间;世俗的事。7.〔英国〕(狐、獾等的)洞,穴。8.【电学】接地。9.【化学】难以还原的金属氧化物类〔如氧化铝、氧化钴等〕。短语和例子the whole earth 全人类。 be brought to earth 被击落在地上。 alkali
Example Sentences:
1.The fieldworks and the test results show that there appears three failure models on the natural slope , that is , rotational slide , translational slide and earth flows . triaxal tests , including the isotropical consolidation drained and undrained compression and anistropically drained tests , are performed on loosely compacted specimens . the critical state line ( csl ) is obtained in the e - lgp " plot based on the results of the above tests
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